UofG PGR Blog

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Introducing the new Researcher Development Officer

Dr Richard Marshall is the new Researcher Development Officer for RSIO, tasked with overseeing the Postgraduate Researcher training programme, including course planning and provision, evaluation, and development. After taking his doctorate in Classical Languages and Literature (think Latin and Ancient Greek), he has worked as a lecturer and researcher at Oxford and UofG. Coming from such a background, he has first-hand experience of the challenges faced by researchers seeking to enter academia, but also of the wider employment opportunities opened up by a research degree.

Richard is happy to say that he still lives and works (just) within the borders of the Roman Empire, and spends his weekends exploring historic Scotland and changing nappies. His interests include target sports, cricket, and painting.

Richard is always willing to hear from PGRs of all colleges about their developmental needs, ideas, and experiences: not just what RSIO could offer or improve upon, but what is being done well (this helps us spread best practice). If you’ve got a new idea for a course, if you’ve had your world rocked by a training session, or if you’re wondering why you got out of bed in the morning to attend that class, he wants to hear from you!

Feel free to comment below or contact Richard via email.