GUSA Buddy Scheme

GUSA Buddy Scheme

Interested in joining the gym (great for PGR Self Care!) but feeling a little unsure about going alone? Look no further than this guest post on GUSA's Buddy Scheme from Ellie Haberlin-Chambers, the GUSA welfare convenor. 


As a GUSA Freshers’ Helper for the last two years I‘ve found that students can sometimes arrive with the idea that sports isn’t for them. It might be that they’ve not quite found the time, the technique or even the confidence to engage with physical activity. The gym can be a daunting place: especially if you don’t know your weights room from your steam room (best not to get those mixed up…). So who can blame someone for dodging past the gym and nestling into their sofa instead of working up a sweat.

That being said – the benefits of physical activity are undeniable AND you don’t need to be an Olympic-standard superstar to feel the effects. So if you’ve always been one of those people who has placed themselves in the ‘sport is not for me’ category but tempted to find out how exercise can give you a new lease of life in the midst of your research, you’re in luck! GUSA understands these pitfalls when it comes to approaching exercise as a newbie and want to help researchers out through the GUSA Buddy Scheme.

The GUSA buddy scheme exists to support students to make the most of the fantastic facilities and opportunities we have here, whether that’s visiting the gym or the Revolve Studio, trying out a new exercise class or going along to one of the sports drop-in sessions.

We pair students with similar availability and interests, and they’ll commit to going along to something together for a four week period, which can be extended if both parties wish. Buddies can answer questions about where to go, what to wear, where to get advice on equipment and where to change in privacy. They will let you set the pace. They will laugh with you, not at you. And, if it's not fun for you - they won't impose fake jollity. They definitely won’t tell you that running in the cold and wet is character building.

If you would like to be paired up with a GUSA Buddy, or are interested in becoming a GUSA Buddy yourself, you can find out more on the GUSA website. If you have any questions or want more information, email Ellie, the GUSA Welfare Convenor. 

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