Love Letter To Your Thesis 2020: Most Romantic Winner

Love Letter To Your Thesis 2020: Most Romantic Winner

Choosing this year’s Love Letter to Your Thesis winners was tough. There were many excellent entries written in a variety of styles, and it was fantastic to read them all.

We here at Blogger HQ did manage, finally, to narrow them down and choose the winners of our categories, which will be revealed in posts over the following week.

First up is the Most Romantic letter, which goes to Hazel Marzetti! You can read Hazel’s letter below.

Hey you!
I’m writing to you on the train home. It’s 10pm, a rainy Friday night, and I’ve just left you. I wished we could have stayed together longer, but it’s an hour and a half home, and I’ve still not had my tea.

It’s been two and a half years we’ve been together now. Well I say that, but sometimes I feel like I’ve always know you, like you’ve always been there, a flicker of you in everything I’ve learned, done, felt; us getting together felt like a coming home of sorts.

At first not everyone was a fan; you know that I think. People said the shine would wear off, that we were in the honeymoon phase and I’d eventually get sick of you, that I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. Now I’ll tell you now, what I couldn’t tell anyone then: I was scared. No, make that terrified. I was terrified that it was maybe a mistake, that I should never have been given the funding, that there was someone much clever, much more competent, that would do a much better job. You were the dream, and you deserved the best.  But you were a chance I had to take, because taking a chance on you was taking a chance on me, and so I did it.

They say love should make you a better, stronger version of yourself, and I think maybe you do. I always think of you like a mirror to me, reflecting back all the parts that it is hardest to look at, the parts I never want to see. But slowly but surely we’ve looked at them all together, and we’re working through it. Other times though I feel like you make me feel everything all at once, like a kaleidoscope of feelings.  When I’m with you I feel calm and frantic, excited and afraid, optimistic and distraught. But without you I don’t know where I’d be. Together we’ve gone on adventures, we’ve connected with so many amazing people, and you’ve enriched my life beyond anything I could have imagined. You’ve given me new eyes to look at the world with, and new empathy for life. When I wake up, even on a tired day, when my bones hurt from sitting curled up for hours behind a laptop screen, my eyes are dry from staring, and self-doubt is battering me. Your love roots me, it gives me hope and makes me curious for tomorrow.

I love you.
Happy Valentines Day.

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