PGR and Postdoc Bake-Off 2019

PGR and Postdoc Bake-Off 2019

Are you looking for some summer moti-bake-tion? We certainly are, so it must be time for this year’s PGR & Postdoc Bake-Off!  

Once again, we’re challenging PGRs and Postdocs to bake something connected to their research and provide a brief paragraph explaining that connection. At last year’s competition, we saw (and ate) a FOMO cake, a bacteria-inspired cake and a cardiovascular chocolate masterpiece, among others; and the year before we had cakes inspired by research into the zika virus, sheep, dictionaries, the human gut, and a mouth. No matter your research, we want to see it baked into cakes, pastries, cookies and pies, demonstrating data, artefacts, tools, results and more (and you can see #BakeYourPhD for inspiration). 

[Image Description: Three different cakes are shown on a table. One is round and contains decorations in the shapes of chromosomes; another is chocolate with strawberries and blueberries; and the last has different shapes connected to one another.]

We’ll be in the Gilchrist seminar room on Wednesday August 28th at 5pm for the most delicious and informative showstopper around. The bakes will be judged by a panel of judges as well as an audience of fellow UofG PGRs and postdocs according to look, taste and how relevant the bake is to your research. 

In addition to the delicious bakes, there are some prizes for the winner and runners-up, including Amazon vouchers and baking-themed goodies. Plus, all participating bakers will receive their own custom Team UofG apron for future baking endeavours (research-related or not). 

[Image Description: The cake in this image has many complicated shapes and a building made out of biscuits.]

If you’re not a baker, never fear; you can come along to support the bakers, taste the entries, and vote for your favourite! 

To enter as a baker, please send your name, college, research area, and short paragraph explaining the connection between your bake and your research to Danielle Fatzinger by Wednesday 21st August.

Please email Danielle Fatzinger once you decide to enter so we know who to expect.

*Please note that bakes must be made before the competition and brought to the Gilchrist on the day. You will not be baking live. 

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