Love Letter 2021: Saddest (Winner)

Love Letter 2021: Saddest (Winner)

The 2021 Love Letter to Your Thesis competition was the biggest yet, with so many incredible entries! Here is the winning letter in the “Saddest” category from Bethany Waddington (@BethanyWadding1) who is a PGR in the Institute of Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology researching Motor Neurone Disease.

The Lover’s Knot

To the One I Once Loved,


We were young when we first met,

I 21 and you nothing but a notion, yet

You gave me hope and strength and fire,

Something to live for, to want, to desire.


But what could I do for you?

Except pour in my heart and soul?


And from this you drained me,

Vulnerable and longing, you took control

Of my life and thoughts,

Entwined as we are in a Lover’s Knot.


This time together may have drained my colours, but they will light up your pages

And I know my time will soon pass in these dark ages.


I’m sorry I couldn’t give you everything you wanted and needed


Maltreated and defeated,

I just need you completed.



The One You Never Loved.

Love Letter 2021: Most Inspiring (Runner Up)

Love Letter 2021: Most Inspiring (Runner Up)

Love Letter 2021: Most Inspiring (Winner)

Love Letter 2021: Most Inspiring (Winner)