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Love Letter To Your Thesis Winner: Most Bittersweet

Dear Thesis,

I am afraid that you still don’t know that I love you.

I have climbed thousands of mountains for you, I have wept a pond of tears for you, and I have written my love to you every single day. No response. Still. Three months passed by, you walked through me, you laughed at others’ jokes, while you didn’t look at me even once. I am invisible to you.

I don’t blame you, my dear. You are so beautiful. You are worth of all the best things in the world. I am not good enough for you, yet. Me, pale, weak, tired, slow, invisible me.

But I have to apologise, my wise muse, my proud love, I have to apologise. Because this love will not stop, no matter how stupid, no matter how annoying. You will receive my love letter every single day, till three years later, till you see me, till you know my name.

Yours humbly,


Hanru Yang